最守时(NO, i won't守时, as i always "LAST MINUTE")
最主观(Yeah, i think i am)
最会告白(NO,never 告白 before how to become最会告白??)
最喜欢热闹(YEAH,totally right man. i HATE ot be boring)
最不会讨人欢心(i guess i am lol HOW SAD??)
最自恋(if i don't love myself who would love me??)
最重自尊(actually.. i am not sure de leh...)
最输不起(YEAH,after 1game i knew i am except basketball
最爱出锋头(erm...i scared people saw me in TV lol.
最喜欢指挥别人(itu ma...i only喜欢指挥my own brother lol)
最自信最讲义气(OF COURSE i am man... you know?"I'm THE MAN")
最有保护欲(i don't know what欲means hahaha)
最没有秘密(That's me!!!!!)
灾难中最不冷静(hahahha.... i hope im not... haha)
最暴躁(YEAH,i'm hot-temperate no matter to my parents or...)
最怕寂寞(i already said i 最喜欢热闹 hate boring de larr....)
最光明磊落,最易被理解( i guess i am because i am a EASY human)
最喜欢穿彩色衣服(erm... i not really sure lol actually any shirt as long as it is comfortable and good looking. i love it if it is cool.)
Who am I?I like to bullshit that is why my diary so dam freaking long lol
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
或許,獅子座身上最吸引天蠍的是“陽光”的氣息,仿佛任何的“陰暗”都能在她“陽光”的照射下驅散。可是,你知道嗎?其實,她與巨蟹一樣容易多愁善感。她看見感人的情節會滴下眼淚,看到憂傷的詞句會愛不釋手,遇到煩惱的事會自哀自憐......獅子座的她很容易被自己的情緒左右,從而經常覺得孤獨,換個角度看,你會發覺那就是傳聞中最陰暗的陽光。(WAKAKAK i am the sun man... sunshine man... yahoo... haiz but there will still be evening as the sun goes down it is time for Leo to show their weakness "CRY"
(獅子與巨蟹一樣容易多愁善感) O.O BF you and me the same ya...
(她看見感人的情節會滴下眼淚)yeah..i watch 17again i also cry till meow though i got asma lol,she still dare to ask me:Why did you cry?
(看到憂傷的詞句會愛不釋手)i think so lol,
(遇到煩惱的事會自哀自憐)yeah, maybe i will become emo lol
獅子座給人的印象是最堅強的星座,但你是否有想過那只不過是她“故作”的堅強。獅子座的她從不會在愛人面前大聲哭泣,但會躲在被窩裡獨自垂淚到天明。獅子座的她在和愛人分手後,不會象巨蟹那樣,要生要死,她只會嬉笑怒罵,變得更加“開朗”,她的表現總是讓人懷疑她投入在這段感情的深淺,以及她的付出;只有那些知道背後真相的人才能看見她背後的眼淚、努力與付出。如果你"有幸"看到獅子座的淚水的話,那麼你要知道:她不是在博取你的同情!而是內心高傲的她不得已,控制不了自己的情緒。(WAO... it says you are lucky if you saw i cry... WAKAKAKA lol xD im happy to see that after we 分手 separate i will be happier hahaha..lol but巨蟹will要生要死haiz pity you lah my dear BF wakaka..)
說到自信,我想沒有太多的人會懷疑獅子座不是一個自信心爆棚的星座。但是,我在這裡告訴你:實際上很多獅子座的她,自卑感很強烈——對人與人的關系非常敏感,常常覺得矮人一截或是覺得別人不尊重她、瞧不起她。於是,那些人自然就不能與之產生親密的關系,也就不能進入她的圈子;究其原因就是獅子座的她自卑感強烈!有時,獅子座的自卑感,會讓她感覺到自己配不上任何人,對於越是喜歡的對象,越是會自慚形穢,裹足不前。究其原因就是因為獅子自尊心高昂,從而無法在親密關系中放下自我而尋求突破,其實也是她一種缺乏自信的現象。( i always don't look 自信 and i never say i have 自信 lol. because i totally DON'T have and i no need to act i have自信infront of ANY PERSON lol As my dad also this... LEo... i always think he has自信and he looks like a leader,he love his face hahaha and he is an asshole lol. >.< i don't mind if u scold me after i scold him as an asshole but he is an asshole. my brother will surely agree with me man.)
天蠍座驕傲,獅子座高傲,自尊心對於她們來說,可以說如生命般重要。話說回來,難道高傲的獅子不會“輕易”放下自尊嗎?!在作者接觸過的許多獅蠍戀的案例中,獅子會為了愛,而放下自尊—作者的理解是:她為了自己的自尊而放下了自尊。只有當她對那段刻骨銘心的愛“遺忘”了,才會重拾尊嚴,做回自己。真的希望獅子座能做到放下“架子”,而不是放下“自尊”。(hahaha.. It is saying my dad lol. it also means i am STUBBORN lol hahaha)
或許,獅子座身上最吸引天蠍的是“陽光”的氣息,仿佛任何的“陰暗”都能在她“陽光”的照射下驅散。可是,你知道嗎?其實,她與巨蟹一樣容易多愁善感。她看見感人的情節會滴下眼淚,看到憂傷的詞句會愛不釋手,遇到煩惱的事會自哀自憐......獅子座的她很容易被自己的情緒左右,從而經常覺得孤獨,換個角度看,你會發覺那就是傳聞中最陰暗的陽光。(WAKAKAK i am the sun man... sunshine man... yahoo... haiz but there will still be evening as the sun goes down it is time for Leo to show their weakness "CRY"
(獅子與巨蟹一樣容易多愁善感) O.O BF you and me the same ya...
(她看見感人的情節會滴下眼淚)yeah..i watch 17again i also cry till meow though i got asma lol,she still dare to ask me:Why did you cry?
(看到憂傷的詞句會愛不釋手)i think so lol,
(遇到煩惱的事會自哀自憐)yeah, maybe i will become emo lol
獅子座給人的印象是最堅強的星座,但你是否有想過那只不過是她“故作”的堅強。獅子座的她從不會在愛人面前大聲哭泣,但會躲在被窩裡獨自垂淚到天明。獅子座的她在和愛人分手後,不會象巨蟹那樣,要生要死,她只會嬉笑怒罵,變得更加“開朗”,她的表現總是讓人懷疑她投入在這段感情的深淺,以及她的付出;只有那些知道背後真相的人才能看見她背後的眼淚、努力與付出。如果你"有幸"看到獅子座的淚水的話,那麼你要知道:她不是在博取你的同情!而是內心高傲的她不得已,控制不了自己的情緒。(WAO... it says you are lucky if you saw i cry... WAKAKAKA lol xD im happy to see that after we 分手 separate i will be happier hahaha..lol but巨蟹will要生要死haiz pity you lah my dear BF wakaka..)
說到自信,我想沒有太多的人會懷疑獅子座不是一個自信心爆棚的星座。但是,我在這裡告訴你:實際上很多獅子座的她,自卑感很強烈——對人與人的關系非常敏感,常常覺得矮人一截或是覺得別人不尊重她、瞧不起她。於是,那些人自然就不能與之產生親密的關系,也就不能進入她的圈子;究其原因就是獅子座的她自卑感強烈!有時,獅子座的自卑感,會讓她感覺到自己配不上任何人,對於越是喜歡的對象,越是會自慚形穢,裹足不前。究其原因就是因為獅子自尊心高昂,從而無法在親密關系中放下自我而尋求突破,其實也是她一種缺乏自信的現象。( i always don't look 自信 and i never say i have 自信 lol. because i totally DON'T have and i no need to act i have自信infront of ANY PERSON lol As my dad also this... LEo... i always think he has自信and he looks like a leader,he love his face hahaha and he is an asshole lol. >.< i don't mind if u scold me after i scold him as an asshole but he is an asshole. my brother will surely agree with me man.)
天蠍座驕傲,獅子座高傲,自尊心對於她們來說,可以說如生命般重要。話說回來,難道高傲的獅子不會“輕易”放下自尊嗎?!在作者接觸過的許多獅蠍戀的案例中,獅子會為了愛,而放下自尊—作者的理解是:她為了自己的自尊而放下了自尊。只有當她對那段刻骨銘心的愛“遺忘”了,才會重拾尊嚴,做回自己。真的希望獅子座能做到放下“架子”,而不是放下“自尊”。(hahaha.. It is saying my dad lol. it also means i am STUBBORN lol hahaha)
守护星:太阳(象徵热情与活力){YAP..becoz cant control myself lol}
守护神:希腊-阿波罗罗马-阿波罗(???apa ini??)
最适合的星座:白羊座,射手座,天秤座,双子座(means boyf/friend??)
在十二星座中,狮子座是最具有权威感与支配能力的星座,有一种天生的贵族王者气息。 他们具有太阳般的活力狮子座的人热爱生命、充满精力、勇敢、坚持原则及理念。个性温暖、外向。他们对於爱情是充满自信的,所以他们会大方的向对方表达付出他的爱,他们喜欢所有的一切事物包括爱情,都是在阳光下有活力的滋长
守护神:希腊-阿波罗罗马-阿波罗(???apa ini??)
最适合的星座:白羊座,射手座,天秤座,双子座(means boyf/friend??)
在十二星座中,狮子座是最具有权威感与支配能力的星座,有一种天生的贵族王者气息。 他们具有太阳般的活力狮子座的人热爱生命、充满精力、勇敢、坚持原则及理念。个性温暖、外向。他们对於爱情是充满自信的,所以他们会大方的向对方表达付出他的爱,他们喜欢所有的一切事物包括爱情,都是在阳光下有活力的滋长
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
hiuh today very funny de lorr...
we have english at 8:30 i was so happy as i can be late to college. and have enough sleep. but i still don't have enluigh sleep as i sleep at 2am yesterday.
today morning around 7:40am i dad run up and say:hey you are late, faster wake up" then i say:ok. then after "P"ing i suddenly remember i 8:30 have class.haha then i told my dad and go to sleep again.then i 8am only wake up.
we have english at 8:30 i was so happy as i can be late to college. and have enough sleep. but i still don't have enluigh sleep as i sleep at 2am yesterday.
today morning around 7:40am i dad run up and say:hey you are late, faster wake up" then i say:ok. then after "P"ing i suddenly remember i 8:30 have class.haha then i told my dad and go to sleep again.then i 8am only wake up.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Yesterday,in the morning i wearing formal and go into LTA. all is like staring at me.. i aslo staring at them.. lol it is because all are wearing casual lol. ahhaha i was like O.O oh no... wat a mistaken ahahah how stupid am i?? then we wait n wait n wait... some one say Mr.Anand cancel the class... i was like what? lol
the wei han say go n eat somehting loh. then he say very near de. but we were sitting in the care for 30minutes lol it is so far... lar... i stay back in computer to do the tourism industry until 9pm.
the wei han say go n eat somehting loh. then he say very near de. but we were sitting in the care for 30minutes lol it is so far... lar... i stay back in computer to do the tourism industry until 9pm.
Monday, June 15, 2009
hiuh.... today not enough sleep lol.When i wake up scare me loh. i thought i was late because my dad was not in the room lol.then i don't care loh. so sleep again. and 7:30 my mother say:woi... wake up loh... late liao loh... then i found that my blur pants and white shirt disappear... OMG i was so worry lol... manakala my mother kept the blue pants but the white shirt memang hilang lol. DIE LOH!!!
during English i feel very excited and gen jiong loh,,, because need to present lol.
the Elvin so pro yer...he thui jien own self to go n present lol. ha ha amat brave ha ha.then me n bird bird play scissors,paper,stone lol. bird bird say she not ready with a stone n a show a scissors then mr.george say:okey charmaine,you first!! i was like: WHAT??then.... aiya lazy to type out leh... HOW ARR???till my turn...i FAIL... as i talk for 15second only lol how suck??? hehe no choise ler... din prepare ma..
during PDP my god amat suck becoz "she" say cannot share.. apa la lu... IT betul... hate it man. make lee ping need to reburn gek sei me lar... u IT...
Then we went to KFC for lunch. lol 7 human in 1 car... wo hen pa lorr... wo hen dao xin you police lol haha.... pui yan keep say she going to burst as i keep pushing her to the door haha...
during front office in the lab. i feel so happy lol. as i always wish that i can learn to use the opera system. today is the first day WAKAKAK!!!! LOVE IT MAN... it is funny as i used 30minutes to do the first reservation lol. it is beacause i did profile but not confirmed reservaTION LOL HOW STUPID???but it was so fun lol... i will try my best to finished them as i really have interest in opera system lol.
during English i feel very excited and gen jiong loh,,, because need to present lol.
the Elvin so pro yer...he thui jien own self to go n present lol. ha ha amat brave ha ha.then me n bird bird play scissors,paper,stone lol. bird bird say she not ready with a stone n a show a scissors then mr.george say:okey charmaine,you first!! i was like: WHAT??then.... aiya lazy to type out leh... HOW ARR???till my turn...i FAIL... as i talk for 15second only lol how suck??? hehe no choise ler... din prepare ma..
during PDP my god amat suck becoz "she" say cannot share.. apa la lu... IT betul... hate it man. make lee ping need to reburn gek sei me lar... u IT...
Then we went to KFC for lunch. lol 7 human in 1 car... wo hen pa lorr... wo hen dao xin you police lol haha.... pui yan keep say she going to burst as i keep pushing her to the door haha...
during front office in the lab. i feel so happy lol. as i always wish that i can learn to use the opera system. today is the first day WAKAKAK!!!! LOVE IT MAN... it is funny as i used 30minutes to do the first reservation lol. it is beacause i did profile but not confirmed reservaTION LOL HOW STUPID???but it was so fun lol... i will try my best to finished them as i really have interest in opera system lol.
Ping came to my house. my brother on the computer,me and ping on laptop. wo hen pa lor.. my house first time got so many technology thingi on together lor...we all discuss and think we only need to do 4summary. until 10pm i think is seok qing or some one invited most of us in the chat and most of them said "WE NEED TO DO 8SUMMARY" i was like... "WTF??" better kill me ahhaha.... feel like jumping lol because i plan to sleep at 12 de leh.... but i rush another 4 summary until 2:30am lol.. plus i was thinking tuesday got german's oral and monday have english home work... wo really worry about it de lor..
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Today...a Gila day again >.<
some dong dong came to my house for lunch.after 1 hour apple say she want to sleep and so me n meow cant sleep... so chat lor... bullshit lor... or not what can we do lol...
after xminutes i guess is 1hour we decided to go mcd and have fries and ice-cream.then when we rech McD suddenly chg plan.. so went to OldTown loh...
oh boy i really pity the waiter lol.because me and meow ordered ice fire polo pau and apple ordered a bread.after a while meow n apple's food came,i was like:why my one haven come?? then after meow n apple finished their food mine still haven come.
so i became very nervous and scold so bad words... because they really took 10minutes to do 1 BREAD.. please who can stand this man??if other people can i CAN'T LOH!
and so i feel like asking for the bill with very bu shuang de yu chi.then my shuen you ask me to go lar.. go... go and conplaint.then ,i went to the desk and ask for the bill.i said this pau only 1 because i ordered for 20minutes and it still haven come.And i say i want to cancel this pau.then she say wait,and the pau came. and i went to another waiter and say:No,It Is Too Late.My Friends Are Waiting For Me.I Don't Want The Food I Want The Bill.
after xminutes i guess is 1hour we decided to go mcd and have fries and ice-cream.then when we rech McD suddenly chg plan.. so went to OldTown loh...
oh boy i really pity the waiter lol.because me and meow ordered ice fire polo pau and apple ordered a bread.after a while meow n apple's food came,i was like:why my one haven come?? then after meow n apple finished their food mine still haven come.
so i became very nervous and scold so bad words... because they really took 10minutes to do 1 BREAD.. please who can stand this man??if other people can i CAN'T LOH!
and so i feel like asking for the bill with very bu shuang de yu chi.then my shuen you ask me to go lar.. go... go and conplaint.then ,i went to the desk and ask for the bill.i said this pau only 1 because i ordered for 20minutes and it still haven come.And i say i want to cancel this pau.then she say wait,and the pau came. and i went to another waiter and say:No,It Is Too Late.My Friends Are Waiting For Me.I Don't Want The Food I Want The Bill.
We Got Cheated by Mr.Hor
today we plan to P for the class but then... the bianca went and ask "him" and he says there are exam. n so we feel so "FAN" end up we hiding at the back of the thing.till last we all end up inside the LTG zzz we was cheated so greatly.we all feel so boring lol becoz we are first 2 row ma.. so cannot talk to loud and cannot do something.after the break we went to the last row.and 2 of my friends did some thing make some one feel they 2 are L lol haha....they took picture. then one of them think it look perfect then the other one think it looks so suck. then... they grab for the phone and Mr.Hor seen it and so.. MISTAKE loh...i keep saying "WO HEN PA" as 2 lesbian are beside me... I REALLY VERY pa de lah
Friday, June 12, 2009
Exam not Fun De~~~
hiuh~~~ just finished front office exam lol i was so.... excited lol but not nervous about the f.o exam.. don't know why just don't feel that kind of nervous lol maybe is good n maybe is bad lol...huih before exam i saw Drn dont know why keep going out lol...then i heard people say she cry. i think is because she too stress ler... haiz... life is like that de lar... stress then cry It out man... cry can cure stress actually.
finished german's exam too... so charm lorr....i waht also din revise except f.o lol today morning i memorize a few stuff lol SO HAPPY>.< my god think about the front office's test pad.... lol first page i write less then 15word then 2page got half done then 3page only little then 4page is FULL lol wakakak actually i just bullshitting inside lol hehe... dead man...
afterwards got tourism industry... now i feel uncomfortable lol got a bit nervous... as people say got exam then no exam then got then zzzz
finished german's exam too... so charm lorr....i waht also din revise except f.o lol today morning i memorize a few stuff lol SO HAPPY>.< my god think about the front office's test pad.... lol first page i write less then 15word then 2page got half done then 3page only little then 4page is FULL lol wakakak actually i just bullshitting inside lol hehe... dead man...
afterwards got tourism industry... now i feel uncomfortable lol got a bit nervous... as people say got exam then no exam then got then zzzz
Midnight 2pm....study actually is staring at the house
hiuh~~~ 5more hours then reach 8am then... it is time to have front office exam lol wakakak... DEAD man gosh.. and 7more hours from now...then reach 10am which is german exam wakakak... DEAD ALSO....haiz... and x hours more till 2pm is Tourism Industry haha SURE DEAD MAN... i never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never study Tourism Industry before lol NEVER pay attention too... haha....Jesus bless me >.< although i wish to be B***s during F***ls more then N*w J****s A*** >.<"
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Yesterday... i rush my role-play's dialog from 11:30pm until 2am.... i got scolded by my mother lol. because i last minute lol.. hahaha..... she scold until... haiz... ngam cham betul lol....haiz... why all say i very xing fu?? i know some times i very bahagia but .... know right?? human... is tan de wu yen punya la.... people got bicycle then want motor then want car then want house then want ...........zzzzzz HUMAN ma... never feel bahagia de... maybe some people loh which is call "RARE"type loh
Today go eat lunch dont know why my stomach keep not feeling well lol.after eating....worst mygod....because today don't know why i eat so fast lol... keep eat n drink n eat n drink then... my stomach like going to BURST lol.... feel like vomitting but lucky i did not lol... or not... i guess other people see it sure.... T me de ler........
Saturday, June 6, 2009
COME ON don't see man i am just BULLSHITTING man....
too boring don't know what to type..
HAIZ i was thinking to put this fcuking long thingi in a private blog...
but i guess i have nothing to hide.....haha FCUK it please....
Haiz.. so long din update my blog all. there are more n more things to write but i dont know what to write man... WTF lol. today i feel EXTREMELY boring so there are new feeling came...>.< I LOVES WHEN SOME NEW FEELING COMES. just like those designer have some good idea haha but too bad mine is all negative man...
life is boring man.... it become more n more boring as times goes...because older n older...more n mroe problem comes and more n more... thing(bad n good)comes haha.... WHAT a freaking challenge man....
becoz i always think about this and that lol DEAD.... someone says i am innocent...
AM I??? ami so innocent??? MAYBE .... but it is ages ago....so i ask lots of people why they always think that am i so innocent?? and they say because i no need to think about so many fcuking stuff... actually there are more n more these types of fcuking stuff came to me as days goes.... ahhaha... does this should im matured?? haha HEADCHE man ahahha FCUKING god create fcuking problem and kills everyone man. why dont just head shot everyone man. be sharp n accurate man so lesser people suffering. god is helping some one and making some one suffering man... some one think it is fair BECAUSE they are happy with it. those who think unfair BECAUSE they are suffering ahha... "GOD" i always think that god is playing with us man... what does god do actually?? helping?? HAH!! to certain people only man....
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~if now im on top of the mountain or at the seaside or on the boat... WHATEVER thing which let me face the place full of natural i only will do one thing "SCREAM" really can cure human's problem man... haha scream here never works man....coz NO FEEL!!!
what relation means?? relation loh... hahaha FCUK myownself man...
what is human for?? for fcuk loh....
what is life for?? for FARKS loh....
what is all this stuff for?? i think god created us BUT we are just an experiment for "GOD"
so... he is just testing what human are,what human dos',whatever fcuking stuff human do man...
whatever fcuking thing human do is just SUCKS man...
oh boy.... what is betraying?? for me.... i dont know how to explain... just want to cry man...
OH BOY boring can make me cry now ahahah.....i am crying now just for nuts... maybe just for fun or for nothing haha....
HIUH.... bagusnya feeling ni....man rude words can decrease stress,unhappy,bored hahaha... next time i will do more man....hahaha
oh boy... my cousins all re coming lol. they going to stay at my house ...
HOW SAD??becoz few of them.... i used to be really really good with them man...
just that they did something i THINK that it is not good to be with them anymore..
becoz they are betrayer... BUT THEY are just so... SMALL....YOUNG...INNOCENT...
fcuk it man.... OH.... just notice this is one of the problem ahhaha....
AM I MAD NOW??? hiuh keep bullshitting man....
too boring don't know what to type..
HAIZ i was thinking to put this fcuking long thingi in a private blog...
but i guess i have nothing to hide.....haha FCUK it please....
Haiz.. so long din update my blog all. there are more n more things to write but i dont know what to write man... WTF lol. today i feel EXTREMELY boring so there are new feeling came...>.< I LOVES WHEN SOME NEW FEELING COMES. just like those designer have some good idea haha but too bad mine is all negative man...
life is boring man.... it become more n more boring as times goes...because older n older...more n mroe problem comes and more n more... thing(bad n good)comes haha.... WHAT a freaking challenge man....
becoz i always think about this and that lol DEAD.... someone says i am innocent...
AM I??? ami so innocent??? MAYBE .... but it is ages ago....so i ask lots of people why they always think that am i so innocent?? and they say because i no need to think about so many fcuking stuff... actually there are more n more these types of fcuking stuff came to me as days goes.... ahhaha... does this should im matured?? haha HEADCHE man ahahha FCUKING god create fcuking problem and kills everyone man. why dont just head shot everyone man. be sharp n accurate man so lesser people suffering. god is helping some one and making some one suffering man... some one think it is fair BECAUSE they are happy with it. those who think unfair BECAUSE they are suffering ahha... "GOD" i always think that god is playing with us man... what does god do actually?? helping?? HAH!! to certain people only man....
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~if now im on top of the mountain or at the seaside or on the boat... WHATEVER thing which let me face the place full of natural i only will do one thing "SCREAM" really can cure human's problem man... haha scream here never works man....coz NO FEEL!!!
what relation means?? relation loh... hahaha FCUK myownself man...
what is human for?? for fcuk loh....
what is life for?? for FARKS loh....
what is all this stuff for?? i think god created us BUT we are just an experiment for "GOD"
so... he is just testing what human are,what human dos',whatever fcuking stuff human do man...
whatever fcuking thing human do is just SUCKS man...
oh boy.... what is betraying?? for me.... i dont know how to explain... just want to cry man...
OH BOY boring can make me cry now ahahah.....i am crying now just for nuts... maybe just for fun or for nothing haha....
HIUH.... bagusnya feeling ni....man rude words can decrease stress,unhappy,bored hahaha... next time i will do more man....hahaha
oh boy... my cousins all re coming lol. they going to stay at my house ...
HOW SAD??becoz few of them.... i used to be really really good with them man...
just that they did something i THINK that it is not good to be with them anymore..
becoz they are betrayer... BUT THEY are just so... SMALL....YOUNG...INNOCENT...
fcuk it man.... OH.... just notice this is one of the problem ahhaha....
AM I MAD NOW??? hiuh keep bullshitting man....
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